I’m an international Amazon bestselling author

I’m honored and humbled to have a chapter in the compilation book titled Business, Life and the Universe, Special Edition with the Forward written by Joe Vitale.
Joe Vitale is a world-renowned author of numerous bestselling books including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Secret Prayer, Attract Money Now, The Awakened Millionaire, Karmic Marketing, Hypnotic Writing and The Miracle.
He also starred in the blockbuster movie The Secret.
Some of the points mentioned in my chapter titled Action Based Recovery include:
The importance of understanding the actual meaning of recovery from addiction
Knowing the best answers to questions for someone who has decided to be in recovery
The best time to start recovery
How to manage the different areas of life (i.e., health, financial, family, career, social) that have been adversely affected when not in recovery
The three components of my Action Based Recovery Program (i.e., self-discipline, attitude adjustment and developing microhabits)
For anyone interested in learning more from my chapter in the book it can be purchased from my website lifemasterywithalan.com

Alan Simberg Ph.D.
Alan Simberg, Ph.D. has been trained as a Life Mastery Consultant through Mary Morrissey’s Life Mastery Institute. He is certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition and is also a certified NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) practitioner. This background in combination with his being trained and licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Chemical Dependency Counselor and his 50 plus years of clinical experience have provided him with a wealth of knowledge and understanding.